Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Great Shawl Experiment

Because I have my best creative thoughts at work and my best work thoughts at home when I can afford to be creative, I have decided that I am going to do something that for some strange reason is natural to me: overambitious crochet plans.

This year will be the trial. What I am willing to divulge to the ether at large is that it will involve the following:

1) Shawls
2) Question-based style decisions
3) Character-based designs (more than just naming something after a character)
4) Crocheted lace

And my first one will have four planned outcomes, although, I suppose there could be more. My overall plan is to have a total of six versions, although if I'm a good girl, it will stretch to at least ten different versions of this experiment.

Now, off to be productive.

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