These are the leftovers from the holidays and 2008 in general.
For accountability's sake, things still left to do:1)* scarf for Dad - needs washing and seaming
2) scarf for friend - halfway...minimal progress
3) scarf for friend - planned, not progress
4) bag for Mom - needs a progress
5) hemp bag - need to progress
6)* 1st wedding afghan - washed, needs sewing
7)* 2nd wedding afghan - started, maybe 1/8 done
8) Liesl - needs to be progress
9) House Unity scarf - progress
11) Twine Bag - progress
12)* Ben's Hat - needs wash
13) Lexie's Hat - wash and progress
Things completed:scarf for other
scarf for other
baby blanket
1st sweater
2nd sweater
Moebius basket
*Birdie's sweater
All items currently sleeping in my queue will not be impacted by this because when I look at them, I can never decide if I want to finish them.
*Updated on 2/17/09.